Which? Trusted Trader Complaints

As of 1 September 2016 all new disputes relating to a Which? Trusted Trader will be dealt with by the Dispute Resolution Ombudsman, which can be can be contacted on 0333 241 3209 or via email info@disputeresolutionombudsman.org.
Any complaints raised with Ombudsman Services prior to the 1 September 2016 will continue to be investigated through to completion. If you have an existing complaint with us, you can contact us on 0203 426 5189.
Where we cannot resolve any complaints using our own complaints procedure, as a Which? Trusted trader we use Dispute Resolution Ombudsman for dispute resolution. In the unlikely event of a complaint arising and you wish to refer the complaint to them please contact 0333 241 3209.

To make an enquiry or ask any questions, please submit the form below and we will get back to you very soon.
...or alternatively call us on 01925 713293 or email us at hello@bumblebeeheating.co.uk.